Monday, September 19, 2011

Medical Exams

While you were all sleeping we had our medical exams. The exams were a formality we quickly figured out. Eric and Elizabeth, the couple from Nebraska, had their medical appointment at the same time we did. This is their second adoption so they told us this appointment was no big deal and they were right. We saw seven doctors and I use the term "saw" very loosely. Seven doctors came in and out of the room while we were there and yes they visualized us but most just signed the papers and walked out of the room. One doctor tapped our knees and arms and had us follow her hammer with our eyes. Her tap was more of an aggressive tap than a normal test like this that you would have at you local doctor. We had to roll our sleeves up for the Hematologist and she looked at our veins and asked about drug abuse.
A nurse took my blood pressure and those of you who know me well you know I have high blood pressure in normal circumstances so when the lady said "normal" and wrote something on the paper I know she either quit allowing the needle to go past normal or I know God intervened in some way be cause I do not have "normal" blood pressure and it is never normal under stress. The psychologist asked us if we were in good health, we said yes and he signed the form. He wanted to know why Montgomery, Alabama is named Montgomery??? Maybe at one time I knew why Montgomery was named Montgomery but I could not even think of a good reply today except…"I really have no idea." I was prepared for him to ask the question we were told he would ask…"Have you thought about death???"…meaning suicide…not about Montgomery. Greg was no help because he did not know either. Having never studied Alabama history we were completely at a loss. I might need to google that later so I will know if I am ever asked again.
One doctor had us stand with our feet touching, arms out and eyes closed. We were then asked to touch our nose with our fore finger. Easy enough right??? Greg missed his nose completely with his left hand, he looked at the doctor wondering what she would say. The doctor was not looking at him at all and totally missed the fact that he missed his nose. So as you can tell all in all these exam were definitely a formality and nothing to be concerned about.
After we made it back to the hotel we walked around with our adoption buddies Eric and Elizabeth. We bought a couple of souvenirs and ate lunch together. Now everyone is napping except me. The fire alarm went off randomly at 3am. We got up to start to get ready to do evacuate this old building but just as we were very good and awake the alarm went off. By then though we are very much awake and never went back to sleep. We looked at flight times in preparation for the 3rd and final trip. We skypped with Tucker, Granny and Nana and still were ready ready early for breakfast.
This evening we are going down to the river front to walk around and do a little sightseeing.
Our court time is 10:30am on Wednesday which is about 2:30am for most of you. Please pray that the proceedings go smoothly and Olivia Ann Polina and John Mark Baytimir will finally officially be ours.


  1. Ok, I'm laughing out loud at this post, then crying about JM not wanting to leave your arms! Great pics! Can not wait to meet them!
